Originariamente l'isolamento termico tra porta e corpo dei frigoriferi veniva realizzato mediante profili estrusi tubolari in gomma vulcanizzata, saldati con materiale di riporto e schiacciati con una serratura a "cricchetto".
ILPEA ha sviluppato e realizzato un sistema di tenuta mediante guarnizione, realizzata in compound di PVC privo di migrazione dei plastificanti, che, grazie ad un profilo magnetico flessibile inserito nella guarnizione, assicura la perfetta chiusura della porta, eliminando la necessità della serratura a "cricchetto".Tale soluzione ha cambiato drasticamente il concetto di tenuta termica nel settore di frigoriferi e congelatori, portando ILPEA a livello di leader del settore nei mercati internazionali.

ILPEA fornisce i maggiori produttori mondiali di frigoriferi e, in un' ottica di forniture "just in time", coerentemente alla strategia messa in atto di "global partnership" con i propri clienti, ha creato strutture produttive snelle, ad essi dedicate e situate nelle immediate vicinanze dei loro stabilimenti utilizzatori: i vantaggi offerti ai propri clienti sono evidenti e si riassumono in competitività, logistica, JIT e qualità. ILPEA, costantemente proiettata al miglioramento del prodotto, ha ottenuto ben 18 brevetti internazionali legati a sviluppi innovativi nel settore.
L'azienda, sempre alla ricerca di soluzioni all'avanguardia, ha sviluppato 4 linee fondamentali di prodotto: 

Magnetic and non-magnetic soft PVC or TPE (PVC-free) gaskets. This is the first product line developed by company’s plastics division. The gasket profile design is constantly being updated and improved so that we can always offer to our customers innovative products, both in terms of performances and materials, which possess the highest sealing, springback and rolling effect properties.
"Push-in" type, tri-extruded magnetized TRIO gasket. This gasket profile is made from coextruded rigid and soft PVC and PU compounds, which besides providing excellent sealing properties also enhance energy-saving characteristics on refrigerator and freezer doors. Solutions for the automatic assembly of refrigerator and freezer doors. The Trio profile is protected by an international patent. For use on refrigerator doors, upright and combined freezers.
PVC or TPE (PVC-free) Twin gaskets (Ilpea’s patent) The Twin gasket line is the most innovative range of products in the industry. The gaskets consist of coextruded profiles which are made by combining soft and rigid material in one single piece. The rigid part of the profile is the mounting piece and is fitted with a flexible clip for snap fastening of the gasket to the door liner. The soft part has a flexible balloon shaped design and is the sealing bellow the door shuts onto. These gaskets allow the automatic assembly onto the door liner, as well as making spares parts replacement extremely easy. In addition, they have improved aesthetics and performances compared to ordinary gaskets, and have an increased life expectancy.
"Push-in" type, tri-extruded magnetized TRIO gasket. This gasket profile is made of coextruded rigid and soft PVC and PU compounds, which besides providing excellent sealing properties also enhance energy-saving characteristics on refriderator and freezer doors. Solutions for the automatic assembly of refrigerator and freezer doors. The Trio profile is protected by an international patent. For use on refrigerator doors, upright and combined freezers.
PVC or TPE (PVC-free) Trio gasket. Ilpea’s patent. This state-of-the-art gasket has been designed and patented by Ilpea to meet the need of enhanced  sealing capabilities and energy consumption reduction of refrigerators. The gasket is made by coextruding three different materials, a rigid one, a soft one and one that remains flexible also at very low temperatures. The rigid profile section consitutes the mounting piece and may have any shape, ranging from a Twin gasket to a Push-in gasket to an ordinary foamed gasket. The flexible bellow is made by using a soft material, just like an ordinary gasket. The material , withstanding very low temperatures, is used to provide a further bellow that closes the gap between door liner and case liner in a more deep-seated area compared to the first gasket, thereby reducing to a minimum the exchange of heat with the environment and compensating for any misalignments between the door and fridge case surfaces. The energy consumption of the refrigerators on which the Trio gaskets have been tested has been cut down by 1 to 7%.
Single-extrusion profile with two magnetic strips for the central closing of refrigerator doors. For use on French-type refrigerator doors