Industrie Ilpea S.p.A.
& Ilpea Industries Inc.
A steadily growing Group.

Founded in 1960, the company is world leader in the design and manufacturing of plastic, magnetic and rubber components, It is headquartered in Malgesso (Varese), the company’s birth town and the place where its commercial and development strategies are still decided to this day. The company’s strong inclination towards an international executive team has led to the opening of many other production sites across Europe first and then also in other countries all over the word, spanning over all time zones from East to West.

What We Do

The Group is organized into three business units, each consisting of a number of plants. The three units basically share the same industrial and market strategies, however each one has its own management, separate research and development centers and a sales structure that concentrate on their specific business sector, so to ensure the required level of specialization.


(Pilot Action for Securing a Sustainable European Next Generation of Efficient RE-free magnets) is a project funded by the European Union that aims to resolve Europe’s dependence on rare earth elements imports for permanent magnets fabrication.

Ilpea, documents